Thursday, September 24, 2009


I was amazed to realize that as I grew up, attending church and doing all those things that are supposed to make you "good" really didn't. I knew in my heart something was missing inside of me. In 1970, while visiting my family in Monroeville, Pa.(just east of Pittsburgh), my sister asked me if I knew anything about the Holy Spirit. I certainly did not understand what she was asking but went to a meeting with her at an Episcopal Church where I first heard scripture songs sung by some people playing guitars. Weird, huh! Anyway, that night I was baptized in the Holy Spirit and had no idea what just happened. Neither did my dear husband John, who had been raised in the Catholic faith, but at that point in life, was not a very good one.

Four years later, late one night, John was flipping through the channels and stopped to watch The 700 Club (after passing by it several times). He prayed with Pat Robertson to receive Jesus as his Savior and Lord, called in and told them he prayed - at one o'clock in the morning. That man then read the Bible three times without stopping and decided this was it for him. Our lives changed. We lost 95% of our friends and his Irish-German-Catholic family thought we had lost our minds. He asked people to forgive him; got up at some ridiculous hour in the morning to pray for us - his family. No, we did not immediately or any time soon after that turn into perfection, but we had purpose and a different course to follow.

Looking back, this literally saved the lives of our family and turned our legacy from something negative to blessing beyond measure. All I have to do is look at my five grandchildren to see how the blessing is working in my dear family. My three sons dedicated their lives to serving the Lord fully and two are married to young women who also have dedicated their lives to Yeshua (the Lord Jesus Christ). How good is that! As you can see by this picture, we love each other and love to be together. I can only be filled with gratitude to my Father God for bringing us out of stupidity, darkness and ignorance into the light and truth of His Word, His Son, His Spirit and His love.